Tuesday, January 29, 2013

61. Drive-Thru Lane

'Drive-Thru Lane'
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

You may remember me mentioning a barn I wanted to paint in the Blueberry Fields post last week -- here it is! I didn't think I'd be painting it so soon because my photos of it were pretty lame. But, after perusing them once more, I found one to work with -- even though it was out of focus, extremely tilted and partially cut off. (That's drive-by shooting for ya.)

Anyway, I'm so glad I gave it a go! 

I'm really trying to push myself beyond my reference photograph - to take charge, to be the artist, to make the final result be punchy, interesting, dynamic! Those are the types of paintings I really respond to. Often, I'll get wild and crazy in the middle stages and then chicken out and bring things back to the safe zone. I think I took one small little step out of my 'boring' box on this one and it was really, really fun to paint. 
I like it a lot. :) 

This painting stuff is unbelievably addictive! 
I tell you, I just can't wait to start another one!
Thanks for stopping by. :)


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