Monday, August 6, 2012

25. Aho Mailbox

Aho Mailbox
5" x 7"
Oil on gessoboard

We are finally back in Oregon after a wonderful two week trip to my home state of Minnesota. 

While there, we attended a family reunion and celebrated the 70th anniversary of my grandparents, Raphael and Linda Aho

As part of the reunion activities, we were asked to bring our best home/handmade fare to trade in a swap meet -- this is one of the items we brought - a quick painting I did of my grandparents' mailbox. I have some pretty creative and industrious rellies so it was really cool to see all their hard work! Everything from homemade jerky and pickles to custom pillows made by my super-crafty sister Greta, fresh bread from my uncle and Grandma, home decor, jewelry, magnets -- so much creativity! 
I love seeing what people come up with.

We are thoroughly enjoying the homegrown salsa received in trade. :)

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