Thursday, December 11, 2014

203. Foggy Mirror

'Foggy Mirror'
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

I can't get enough of this fog!
I caught this little scene last weekend on the Columbia River Dikelands near our town. 
This lowland marsh district is full of farms, water-filled ditches and grazing livestock. In the distance, foothills and ridges stand guard. 
This time of the year, the clouds and fog in this area are ever-changing and just lovely. 

Right now, though, a winter storm is blasting through, complete with flickering lights and extremely high winds. I have three very excitable young boys bouncing off the walls and repeatedly opening the front door to get a better look. I better go get the candles and flashlights ready. :)

Oh, and in case you missed it - my 2015 calendars are available here.

Thanks for viewing!

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