Monday, November 5, 2018

303. Here Comes the Sun

'Here Comes the Sun'
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

It was just a few weeks ago. I'm sure it was a normal morning, - me randomly yelling mom stuff; - 'Are you up?', 'Do you need a lunch?', 'Do you have your homework', 'Let's go!' 
Finally, the questions are sufficiently answered and we all slam into the car and head towards school. 
The car rolls gently down the hill, we make the first turn, and there it is...
The sun, the fog, the power lines, the church. 
All my sweet spots in one lovely, 'Good Morning'. Ahhh.

Every once in a while, they turn out exactly how you remember them.
I'm so happy with this one.
Enjoy. :)

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