Friday, January 13, 2017

269. Snow Days

'Snow Days'
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

Yay, my first painting of '17! 

My guys and I drove from Oregon to Minnesota for Christmas, and we had a wonderful time hanging out with my parents and other family that live there. 
There was plenty of snow, and so much sunshine, and, well, that's kind of the perfect combo. 
If you follow me on instagram (norabergman), you've seen a bit of my obsession. ;)
It was just so pretty! 

This scene is from one of my photos from the trip. It was not an actual 'snow day', - those are pretty rare there, but back here in Oregon, we are currently on Snow Day No. 4 for this week! It's like Winter Break all over again! My boys are loving it, and so am I. (Mostly. :) )

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