Saturday, December 21, 2024

365. Day Star

'Day Star'
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

A snowy day in the pacific northwest.
The cloud blanket was deep and blue, and branches were heavy with snow. 
So pretty, and so, so quiet! 
The cloud blanket shuffled, and, for a moment, the sun fought its way through.
With my camera, I found the right angle and gave this lonely tree its very own 'daystar' tree-topper.  
Merry Christmas!


Saturday, December 14, 2024

367. Ball Jar No. 19

'Ball Jar no. 19'
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

It's been a couple of years since I attempted a ball jar painting, and a search of my online gallery says this is my 19th try, lol. I like a lot of things about how this one turned out, especially the background. 



Wednesday, December 11, 2024

366. Purple and Gold

'Purple and Gold'
8" x 8"
oil on gessoboard

This vintage tablecloth has made it into several of my past paintings; I love it, and I love to see if I have found a new or better approach to the challenge. It's always tough, but also so very fun.  
I wanted to share the painting, but it is currently not for sale. :)


Also, my 2025 painting calendars are ready to ship.


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

364. Trolling

6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

Danish artist Thomas Dambo creates these amazing giant trolls all over the world out of recycled materials. There are several in the northwest, but my first encounter was a recently created bunch in northern Minnesota. They are mostly hidden away and it's most fun to use the 'troll adventure' map to hunt them down. This troll friend is called 'Ronny Funny Face' and he reminds us that it's easy to spread joy. :)
We had a great day chasing trolls last August!

Also, my 2025 calendars will be ready in just a few days!
$25 plus shipping.