Saturday, February 28, 2015

212. Sunday Fog

'Sunday Fog' 
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

I got up early last Sunday to go watch the sunrise above our town.
It was a very clear day above the fog, and the views were fabulous. As pretty as it was, I couldn't wait to get back down the hill and see how the fog and sun were hanging out together - I just can't get enough of those two. :)

Click here to bid.

Here are a couple of pics from the top of the hill:

Mt. Rainier on the horizon to the right; my little town is nestled under the fog closest to me on the left.

Very faint on the horizon; Mt. Rainer on the left, then Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams all the way on the right.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

211. The Back Way

'The Back Way'
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

Unlike a lot of the country, we've been enjoying really terrific weather.
It's got me totally jones-ing for summer.
(Although, those of you in the throes of winter are probably jones-ing way more than me.)

Anyway, here's a little summer for you all - from one of my favorites places in this amazing state - Yamhill County, Oregon. This is the first painting in a long while that was a good 'ole time from start to finish. 
That makes it my new favorite. :) 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

210. Fruity

6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

Central Washington and Oregon: high, barren hills; green, fertile valleys. 
And fruit. Lots and lots of fruit. :)

Last August, we stopped at this fruit stand in Washington on our three-day drive back from Minnesota. My boys enjoyed their free apple, and then we filled every spare inch of the car with glorious, juicy peaches. So, you know, like, eight peaches. On my lap, the rest of the way home. :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

209. Morning on Poplar Street

'Morning on Poplar Street'
6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

There was fog, there was sun, the leaves were turning, -- it was a lovely morning on Poplar Street.
 (Also known as, 'the street above the pool'. Google told me the official name. ;)

This is another scene from my 'yellow sky morning' of last fall -the light was so crazy cool! 
I have several photos of that day that I love, and a few that I've attempted to paint, - but, yellow sky morning is not easy to recreate! I shall keep trying. :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

208. Toasty

6" x 6"
oil on gessoboard

Hi, gang!
I finally have something to show you!
Not for lack of trying, but let's not dwell on that. :)

Vintage toaster, vintage tablecloth. 
Just chillin'.

Thanks for sticking with me!